Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rendezvous Mountain Lodge, Steamboat Springs, CO

Ever since the bloody on top of Winter Park I had been looking forward to another on the slope bloody mary. Finally, after a solid day and a half of skiing we stopped at a lodge and ordered ourselves a couple bloodies. I have to say that right before this I attempted a very feeble jump and in the process of stopping after a successful landing my band director athleticness took over and I tumbled a bit, doing something to a knee in the process so things were a little tender. Nothing a few ibuprofen and a bloody couldn't possibly fix! I saw the big container of infused vodka and my eyes lit up...

Appearance: 6/10 Now this is kind of a low number but the plastic cup wasn't really doing it for me however they had some waste/recycle initiative going on... blah blah blah.. I need to tell you about the infused vodka. It was sitting real pretty on the counter with a plethora of pickled veggies tossed in. I really wish I could've had a shot of it to taste the explosion of flavors! Great floaties, homemade mix and solid red color. 

Garnishes: 6/10 I'm going to award a few extra points for the pickled green bean. This is a new thing and I like it, plus it tasted good. I also liked the olive and the pepperocini and the lack of lime, thank you!! 

Spice/Bang: 7/10 A little spicier than one would think but the assortment of peppers in the infused vodka did it's job. A sneaky spice that makes your eyes water slightly and your nose get all sniffly. Fun flavor really and something that warms you right up after some cool ski runs! 

Desire: 9/10 I would crush one of these again right now; one because it was pretty tasty and two, the location was the best as it would mean that I am skiing again. 

Price: 8/10 Honestly I do not now the price as a very pretty lady bought it for me but at a place like this you don't really think about the price. It is probably going to be kind of pricey but look at the location! 

Overall: 36/10 A great bloody mary with even better views and the best setting! A little bolder flavor would give this thing a big kick! (Worchesterchire(sp?)....)

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