Friday, March 6, 2015

Fremont Golf Club, Dining Room, Fremont

During a few golf outings last year I remember having a bloody mary or 3 at Fremont Golf Club but I didn't know enough to really give them a good rating, nothing made them stand out as being terrible which is good. I see myself spending a lot more time at the club for a few different reasons so this is a real important review. Before I started I had already planned on doing separate reviews for the dining room bloody and the on course bloody so plan on the on-course bloody review coming out later this year.
Appearance: 6/10 Check out the dimples in the glass at the bottom. Great grip and a nice discussion point for the table guests. Desirable red color and sleek presentation. (That dang lime....)

Garnishes: 4/10 Here's the dealio, great stuff with the olives and the salt on the rim but the STUPID LIME bothers me. A standard thing though for most establishments so I can't take off too many points. 

Spice/Bang: 6/10 I'm concerned. This thing tasted great and went down way too quick and smooth. If the on course one's taste like this.... ruh roh.! Not a huge flavor or real spice but excellent chugability. 

Desire: 7/10 I can't wait to have another. This means I was either golfing, or thinking about golfing, or about to golf, or looking at the golf course. It is a quality drank though and something that will highlight any round of golf, unless of course you see Rory across the course and watch him toss a club in the lake. That would be ultra rewarding. 

Price: 5/10 Another one where I'm not 100$ sure of the price. I believe it was about $4.50 which isn't terrible. At a place like this is standard to be kinda pricey. Most people will drink them regardless.

Overall: 28/50 Really a solid bloody mary. If you have noticed with the blog it's rather difficult to get an outstanding score so anything over 25 is pretty solid. A drink that is sure to make any round of golf great. 

Spruce Street Tavern

Valley, Nebraska situated in the valley between the scenic Platte and Elkhorn Rivers. Really, a pretty nice town. A few of us happened to be in town for a certain reason and following the reason we felt it was necessary to check out a local establishment. Our guide was a resident of Valley so we followed his guidance and found ourselves in the comfy chairs of the Spruce Street Tavern. I was impressed with the small dive bar and the cat calls from the two older women at the bar really helped boost my experience. Of course I ordered a bloody mary and the barmaid proceeded to make up a drink with nothing short of 320 ingredients.
Appearance: 6/10 Trendy mug. Good Size. Sneaky Olive. A few floaties, nice red color but not too red, ya know?

Garnishes: 3/10 Green Olives are good. Not a loss of points for no lime or lemon thats for sure. Would like other thing though.

Spice/Bang: 5/10 Great chugability but still some kick, tabasco flavor but definitely hints of worchestire and tomatoey goodness. Good flavor!

Desire: 7/10 I would absolutely stop by to "Spruce" things up a little bit anytime I was in the area. I probably won't make any trip specifically for the drink but ya never know.

Price: 5/10  I'm going to be honest. I don't know what the price was. A friend offered to pick up the tab so I didn't not take things any further. I'm assuming it wasn't crazy expensive or crazy cheap. Worth about $4.50.

Overall: 26/50 Slightly above average drink. A few more garnishes would help. Nothing extravagant but this is the type of bloody mary that just makes you feel good.